After so long, I've decided to try and do more with blogging. I've moved to this new site.
Thanks a bunch!
Monday, November 2, 2015
Saturday, April 26, 2014
My first quote printable!!!
I'm so excited to have made my very first "church quote" printable. I'm still getting used to this, but I'm so happy! This quote is from President Henry B. Eyring's talk from the October 2013 General Conference called "To My Grandchildren." I'm teaching it in Relief Society tomorrow!
Monday, April 7, 2014
The UWMD Method
So lately, since it's actually starting to feel like Spring, I have felt the tug once more to purge stuff! I've used this Depression Era quote in our home before, but I think it's high time it becomes one of our mottos!
I really do love this quote. So, in thinking along these lines, I needed
to spruce up Baby Girl's room! We are kinda tight right now on funds, so I
have to use what we have! Enter said quote. Here's what we had before. This wasn't awful, but I was tired of looking at the food storage ever time I walked in there. The curtains had been there since we moved in....two years ago. I know. DISGUSTING!
I am proud of our food storage though....
We had bought the wire "curtain rod" and the clips last December while my honey and I were in Chicago! We live a minimum of 8 hours from the nearest IKEA and sometimes it kills me. My honey put it up for me without asking where I wanted it, so needless to say, I was nervous!
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Now You See It! |
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Now You DON'T! |
The rest of the room was easy. I used a green flat sheet we had and replaced the yucky curtains (we have lots of sheets). We ended up having to buy this little shelf since we didn't really have a dresser, nor the space to put a dresser. It was cheap and extremely easy to put together, so I'm not complaining. The dresses were hung on an extra curtain rod I had stashed in a closet. Somehow we ended up with extras so I thought this would be perfect for now. Eventually, we will have to think up something else, but for the time being, this works great!
All in all, I say we spent about $36 on this whole thing. The pictures I had from when my oldest was a baby and I had bought them at the dollar store! The lamp was given to us and the rocking chair was my mother's. Excellent! A good use of the UWMD method if I do say so myself!
Look! She loves it!
Friday, March 7, 2014
Princess Dolls
So, I've decided to pick myself up and get back to posting stuff. Some people asked about my peg dolls I recently made, so I thought I would share!
First, I saw this post by Lil Blue Boo and loved it. Then I walked into this local craft place - just a modge podge of local crafter's goods - and saw these peg dolls!
That was a YEAR ago people. I am as good at finishing projects as I am at blogging.
After I finally purchased new paint brushes (the littles all destroyed mine) I decided to finish these buggers!
First, I looked at pictures and drew with a pencil what I wanted to paint.
Then, I used my box o' paint and painted them up! Some took three, but most took two coats.
I outlined them in black after the colors were all done. Then added pom poms for buns and small jewels on some. Not bad for a mama with a hand tremor! lol
Here they all are! From left to right there is: Snow White, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Rapunzel
Tiana, Ariel, Aurora, Merida
Mulan, Cinderella, and Belle
AREN'T THEY AWESOME!? I'm super proud. I even downloaded the Box o' Princesses from Lil' Blue Boo to go with them! Now they are an awesome quiet church toy. I'm even thinking about selling sets. I don't know, would you buy them?
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Life gets crazy....and you let stuff slide.
So, a lot has happened in the last well....almost a year (hangs head in shame). Although I do say that I think the last time that I actually wrote in my journal was more than a year ago, so I am doing good!
Catching up, I've had a baby! What!? Yep, a baby girl. She was a chunky monkey! I ended up being induced and had so much fluid, it was crazy! She was out in one big swoop. Probably a surfer chick....
We also lost our dog, Atlas. Poor thing got hit by a car. It's awful but we are sure he's feeling better now and he has all four legs!
Hopefully I will be able to come back on and do my blog. My friends have been doing more to theirs and it's pushed me to come back to mine.... I just didn't realize it'd been almost a YEAR since I've written on it. Oh well.... it'll get better.
Catching up, I've had a baby! What!? Yep, a baby girl. She was a chunky monkey! I ended up being induced and had so much fluid, it was crazy! She was out in one big swoop. Probably a surfer chick....
We also lost our dog, Atlas. Poor thing got hit by a car. It's awful but we are sure he's feeling better now and he has all four legs!
Hopefully I will be able to come back on and do my blog. My friends have been doing more to theirs and it's pushed me to come back to mine.... I just didn't realize it'd been almost a YEAR since I've written on it. Oh well.... it'll get better.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Summer Can't Come Soon Enough!!
So...are you ready? I'm going to share with you something I have worked WEEKS on and let you download it for yourself! For FREE! Yes, I love free and I love giving things to people so it's a win-win.
I have a wonderful friend, Lara at Overstuffed, who does a summer reading thing with her girls every year. See? I have loved this idea! But Karate Kid and Little Miss? Ha.
This year is different though. Karate Kid was recently diagnosed with Aspergers. I And? We learned that a schedule would help our family out immensely! I have played around with the schedule idea and I think I finally found what works and maybe it will for you too!This has had a BIG impact on our family. We now "get" it...sort of. We're "getting" it, anyways.
Like I mentioned yesterday, with much inspiration, I decided each day would be a theme....a less stressful theme! lol
Settle Down Sunday - Our family likes to go for walks, walk on the beach, and spend time out in nature on Sundays after church. It helps our family and it's a nice touch after a refreshing church service. : )
Make it Monday - I thought it would be fun to make something - edible and non-edible alike. We could be baking cookies, ribbon wands, salt dough, or comic books!
Take a Trip Tuesday - I just want to make sure my kids get out of the house! And me too...
Wonderful Wednesday - This is the day I set aside time to do our book related activities. More on that later.
Thinking Thursday - My kids like to figure things out and sometimes learn a lot....sometimes. So, I thought it would be fun to ask questions - get them to ask questions anyways, and find the answers out!
Friends on Fridays - After chores and lunch, we will go pick up friends and bring them back for activities and fun play!
Silly and Serving Saturday - I felt it was important for my kids to get used to serving. I planned for a fun family activity as well as something every week we can do for someone else. Love it.
Here's a look at Monday's schedule as an example.
My kids ALWAYS get up at 7:00 a.m. I don't make them, they do it naturally. lol Some of you parents are cringing. I just know it. Yes, it's not always convenient, but they are a lot happier sometimes. Also, there are "May Do"s and "Must Do"s.
May Dos are fun things like playing with playdough, reading, coloring etc. Must Dos are chores and things that need to get done around the house. I have made a bunch of each and they will go in these cute re-purposed containers I have. They will draw the needed amount - usually four each - and then they will have the ability to CHOOSE when they would like to do it, within reason. For instance, on our Monday's example, I chose "Folding Laundry." I can choose to fold the laundry at 8:00, 9:00, 2:30 or 3:30. I wanted to give the kids a choice, yet limit it to times when I can be the support.
I am planning on laminating the schedules and putting velcro on each May Do and Must Do spot to make it easier. I tried to include outdoor time since I often forget to send them out and my kids aren't always gung ho to go outside. Weirdos.
Below are the links to download each day's schedule as a powerpoint so you can manipulate it as you'd like and that works for your family! Tomorrow, I will post all about my book packets that go along with our weekly schedule! Aren't you EXCITED!?!?!?!?!
*Note - Don't worry about the dropbox preview, it won't look like that when you download it! haha
*Note - Don't worry about the dropbox preview, it won't look like that when you download it! haha
Also, here is the link to download my list of May Dos and Must Dos:
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Spring SUCKS so it's Summer instead!
I don't know if many of you notice or not, but spring hasn't come to my part of the world. We have a Winter Storm Advisory with an expected 14 inches. Are you serious? Totally. It bites the big one. Totally up a creek without a paddle. So, instead of worrying if Spring will EVER come, I've decided to focus on Summer.
Last year, my totally awesome plan to do weekly themes with science experiments and art projects galore went totally bust. The kids revolted and refused to do anything. See this picture? They're potato stamping. They threw a total fit before and their dad sat them down and talked to them about how hard I worked on these activities and that they needed to do them. Great. It all fell apart from there.
This year, I thought I needed something well balanced so that the kids don't sit in front of the tv the whole time or become zombies playing Mario Party 9 all day every day. I LOVE activities but obviously, last year was too much. It was forced play. Not fun. What to do!?
Well, I researched until the dogs came home and found some totally amazing sites.
I Heart Organizing is amazing. Seriously, you'll spend all day. But, I loved this post on summer schedules.
A Mom with a Lesson Plan is awesome too! A lot of creativity flowing here! She gives some great tips here on how to lay out your schedule. She also does "invitations to play." Something I am going to include this year as well.
The Imagination Tree is my new favorite place to hang out! This gal has got so many ideas on "invitations" to play, create, learn and more! Check it out! Also check out Play at Home Mom for more ideas on "invitations!"
Simple as That has these awesome summer reading printables! You'll love them! I've used them with my books for this year. Check it out here.
Somewhat Simple is what really got my ideas for my summer schedule off the ground. This post had the weekday theme ideas and I just loved that. Of course, I adapted it for my own family.
Other people have similar ideas. Just type in Summer Schedule in Pinterest or Google and watch the ideas flow!
Here I've given you all of this information and I haven't even shared MINE with you! lol That's ok. I understand. I spent DAYS on these sites, people. Really. My husband thought all I did was sit at the computer, and he wasn't too far off! Here's a teaser below. I'll post more soon!
Last year, my totally awesome plan to do weekly themes with science experiments and art projects galore went totally bust. The kids revolted and refused to do anything. See this picture? They're potato stamping. They threw a total fit before and their dad sat them down and talked to them about how hard I worked on these activities and that they needed to do them. Great. It all fell apart from there.
This year, I thought I needed something well balanced so that the kids don't sit in front of the tv the whole time or become zombies playing Mario Party 9 all day every day. I LOVE activities but obviously, last year was too much. It was forced play. Not fun. What to do!?
Well, I researched until the dogs came home and found some totally amazing sites.

A Mom with a Lesson Plan is awesome too! A lot of creativity flowing here! She gives some great tips here on how to lay out your schedule. She also does "invitations to play." Something I am going to include this year as well.
The Imagination Tree is my new favorite place to hang out! This gal has got so many ideas on "invitations" to play, create, learn and more! Check it out! Also check out Play at Home Mom for more ideas on "invitations!"
Simple as That has these awesome summer reading printables! You'll love them! I've used them with my books for this year. Check it out here.

Other people have similar ideas. Just type in Summer Schedule in Pinterest or Google and watch the ideas flow!
Here I've given you all of this information and I haven't even shared MINE with you! lol That's ok. I understand. I spent DAYS on these sites, people. Really. My husband thought all I did was sit at the computer, and he wasn't too far off! Here's a teaser below. I'll post more soon!
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