Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Play!

The kids are down at my parent's house for three weeks! Yes, THREE! I'm dying. I miss them a lot and I swear I was just thinking what a bunch of boogers they all were right before we took them! AGH!

I've been thinking a lot lately - which is very dangerous! And... I realized that I really don't PLAY with my children. I want to!  SO, I started looking around and found this website called Play at Home Mom. LOVE IT!! I am totally dedicated to playing and being present with my children.

To kick this off and help me be better, I created a calendar and I am determined to blog about it! lol That has to keep me accountable to someone right? Well, I won't be starting until July 1st as my children won't even be home until the 30th. Ugh. Wanna see me chart? I'm a list freak!

Love it! Anyways....I am BOUND and determined to do this. I also found a TON of things that encourage play at home! Take a look and enjoy!


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